This is very easy. Isn't it?

If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp.

You only have one match, so what do you light first?

It is very crowded in here

As I was going to paris
I met a man with seven wives.
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits.
Kits, cats, sacks and wives,
How many were going to paris?

Did Someone steal it?

Three people check into a hotel.

They pay £30 to the manager and go to their room.

The manager suddenly remembers that the room rate is £25 and gives £5 to the bellboy to return to the people.

On the way to the room the bellboy reasons that £5 would be difficult to share among three people so he pockets £2 and gives £1 to each person.

Now each person paid £10 and got back £1.

So they paid £9 each, totalling £27. The bellboy has £2, totalling £29.

Where is the missing £1?

Echo , the dolphin

Echo, a dolphin is trying to jump through a circular hole in his enclosure to escape from the aquarium. From echo's perspective just u...